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                 Managing Director Amy Harvey Guest Editor Lorna Gloria Deputy Editor Nicholas Rider Journalists Nerine Zoio, Margaret Mielczarek, Emily Devon, Peter Howard ADVERTISING Victorian State Manager Tina Cooper M: 0499 681 111 • Senior Account Manager Heather McWhirter M: 0432 665 587 • Senior Account Manager Sonia Bonner M: 0432 276 390 • PRODUCTION Subeditor Roy Milton Graphic Designers Peter Gilmour, Kathleen Barker, Ricky Esteb Digital Manager Clinton Ho SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 2231, North Parramatta NSW 1750 Proudly printed in Australia supporting local jobs and industry DISCLAIMER: Retail Media Pty Ltd is a specialist retail publisher and publisher of Retail World magazine. It is the business of Retail Media Pty Ltd to publish and arrange for the publication of advertisements by third parties in Retail World, as well as to provide editorial content on third party products. Purchasers should make their own inquiries prior to making any decision to purchase any product advertised in Retail World. Retail World has relied on information provided to it from third party advertisers and, as such, the information in Retail World should not solely be relied upon absent further inquiry by you, when making a decision to purchase. Retail Media Pty Ltd has not tested the accuracy nor does it represent, warrant or endorse the accuracy of any claim or statement made by any advertiser in this publication. While material in editorial content has been prepared by Retail Media journalists, the statements or materials therein are prepared based on material provided by the third party advertiser and, as such, are not to be regarded as representations by Retail Media Pty Ltd about the products. Representations as to quality and fitness for purpose of the product are those asserted by the third party advertiser which Retail Media Pty Ltd has passed on, without adoption, for what it is worth. Buyers should make their own inquiries prior to relying on any editorial content. Retail Media Pty Ltd is not liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any advertisement or editorial content contained in Retail World. Retail Media incorporates Sterling Media Ltd (ACN 003 715 124) and Retail Media Pty Ltd (ACN 000 535 099) (ABN 77 000 535 099) Copyright: All material contained in Retail World is copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part is not permitted without written permission of the publisher. Tobacco Policy: Tobacco advertising carried in Retail World is only circulated to tobacco retailers and tobacco manufacturers to comply with Federal Government legislation that restricts tobacco advertising exclusively to this group. Tobacco advertising is substituted for the readership that is outside this area.                                   Retail Media Pty Ltd © 2020 ISSN 0034-6136         Audited 11,334. Audit period: April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019. The circulation records of this publication have been submitted for an Audit with the Circulations Audit Board.    Join our community /RetailWorldMagazine @RetailWorldAus @retailworldmagazine /Retail-World-Magazine      4 RETAIL WORLD OCT, 2020  No.9 VOLUME 73  

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