Foodland is spreading the love this holiday season, by donating $41,000 to Vinnies Women’s Crisis Centre.
The donation will fund a new playground and outdoor shelter area, as well as assisting to renovate the dining room.
Foodland has partnered with Romaldi Builders, who will provide the labour for the Crisis Centre project, as well as Mitre 10, who have also provided $5000 donation for materials.
“We know the tragic statistics around domestic violence – not only in Australia, but in South Australia alone,” says Chief Executive at Foodland Supermarkets, Franklin dos Santos.
“This is such an important cause, and we know that in such as tough year, people are needing these services more than ever. Especially coming up to Christmas.”
Mr dos Santos says that the changes will ensure that the shelter is a safe and secure refuge for those that need it, and additionally provide children in the centre a space to play in.
Th $41,000 donated has come from Foodland’s Community Chest Fund, and through shoppers purchasing products from the ‘Community Co’ range.
“We are passionate about supporting and caring for the local community that supports us – so we are happy to provide a helping hand towards helping the Centre in any way we can.”
Click on Foodland Supermarkets, or Vinnie’s Women’s Crisis Centre website to learn more about them.