Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Retail Ready time

On November 12, the South Australian food and beverage community celebrated in style and record numbers with 944 attending the South Australian Premier’s Food and Beverage Industry Awards at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

By Food South Australia CEO Catherine Sayer.

Food South Australia CEO Catherine Sayer.
Food South Australia CEO Catherine Sayer.

The night was full of great food, wine and entertainment as well as celebrating all the finalists and winners of our industry.

Not only do we have a great celebration at the Gala Dinner, this awards program actually spans a whole year and includes a number of activities designed to develop industry capability, so it is pleasing that we also had a record number of entries this year, especially as the entry process is one of rigour and development for those businesses who participate.

In a brand-new initiative with Foodland Supermarkets, all food and beverage manufacturer and producer entrants in this year’s Awards were given the exciting opportunity to participate in a Retail Ready Program. Designed to develop or strengthen a commercial relationship with Foodland, including activations through their networks to increase sales and brand profile, this valuable program provides different packages of activities and support for entrants, finalists and winners. 

The first activity occurred in mid-September where we convened at Foodland House, welcomed by Foodland Supermarkets CEO Franklin dos Santos. There was a range of businesses who attended – from new businesses who have never had the opportunity to interact with Foodland or other supermarkets through to manufacturers with retail experience. All those who attended went away from that day richer in their knowledge, which was a credit to the presenters and the content we received.

General Manager Merchandise and Strategy Christopher Villani facilitated the day in eloquent and expert fashion with the first part of the Retail Ready Program, taking entrants through the process of establishing or strengthening a commercial relationship with Foodland.

We covered areas such as who is Foodland, the retail landscape in 2021, what does it mean to be retail ready, and how to scale your brand. We then had breakout sessions which focused on dealing with retailers from the legal, financial and sustainability points of view. There was also a session providing additional buyer insights. The rest of the day covered promotions, marketing, distribution, and merchandising.

The second part of the program was held in early November and was for the finalists in the 2021 Awards. This was an insightful session whereby we gained a deeper understanding of a week in the life of a buyer. We had a store manager on hand to give us some practical information. Understanding what drives the buyers and stores is so critical in developing a successful relationship with retailers. The day finished off with networking with the buyers.

In early 2022, the Meet the Maker Roadshow will take place, which will provide the winners of each category in 2021 with the opportunity to conduct in-store demonstrations and tastings through selected Foodland stores in South Australia. A further benefit will be a dedicated campaign across all of Foodland’s assets, including a full page spread in the Foodland Supermarkets catalogue, to celebrate the winners of the 2021 South Australian Premier’s Food and Beverage Industry Awards.

The South Australian Premier’s Food and Beverage Industry Awards have been going for over 20 years but, with support of our great sponsors, they continue to evolve as we strive to add value and build capability of our industry.

Find out more about the Awards, visit Food South Australia.

About Catherine Sayer

Catherine has led Food South Australia since it was established in 2010, passionately guiding the development of the industry’s peak body with a focus on industry growth and advocacy. She also is a member of, and chairs, several boards.

About Food South Australia

Food South Australia is the state’s peak body for the food and beverage industry, with a mission to support and sustain the industry in South Australia, helping businesses of all sizes to grow their markets, capability and industry connections. Food South Australia is independent, industry led, and membership based.

Food South Australia.

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