Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Dare Iced Coffee partners with R U OK?

Dare Iced Coffee will be partnering with Australian suicide prevention charity R U OK?

The three-year deal will encourage Dare drinkers to provide support to mates and loved ones who may be doing it tough.

“R U OK? aims to start life-changing conversations and create a more connected world,” says Lion Dairy & Drinks, Managing Director Kathy Karabatsas.

“Dare has always been known for saying a ‘Dare Fix’ll Fix It’. But the truth is, a Dare fix can’t fix many of life’s challenges. But thankfully, a conversation could.

“We are extremely proud to partner with R U OK? and we hope that we will be able to encourage more people to start meaningful conversation with their mates and family.”

In a very first for the brand, 5,275,000 Dare 500ml core packs will carry the R U OK? message on the label leading up to R U OK? Day on 10 September 2020.

Ms Karabatsas says: “This vitally important message will be featured on millions of Dare packs over coming weeks and be a powerful reminder for people to ask their mates, family and colleagues – are you OK?

“This long-term commitment by Dare will also support the cause by helping consumers to identify signs that someone in their life may be struggling and to encourage a more meaningful conversation.”

CEO of R U OK? Katherine Newton adds: “2020 has been a challenging year for many, making it even more relevant for us to stay connected and, for those willing and able, offer support to those around us.”

In addition to the new label, part of the three-year agreement includes Dare providing support to the cause across its social, online video and high-profile sponsorships with football clubs including St Kilda. The Saints will also share R U OK? messaging across its social media platforms.

The 500ml flavoured iced coffees will be available in all supermarkets and convenience outlets from 17 August 2020 until mid-September.

For more information, please visit ruok.org.au.

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