Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Small business owners, you are not alone

This World Mental Health Day (10 October), small business owners that are experiencing symptoms of mental health issues, are being urged to speak up.

“This year, the World Mental Health Day focus is to campaign for greater investment in mental health services as the COVID crisis takes a heavy toll on wellbeing globally,” says the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Kate Carnell.

No one could have prepared for a year like 2020. Lockdowns, restrictions, financial and health concerns have been at the forefront of everyone’s minds – and for business owners, keeping their business afloat is also added stress.

“Given small business loans are often secured against the family home, it means if the business goes bust, they can lose their home. This is a key factor impacting small business owners’ mental health right now,” says Ms Carnell.

There is good news however, she says.

“…Australian governments at all levels have recognised and substantially boosted mental health support in the wake of increased demand over the course of this pandemic.

“Just this week, the Federal Government committed $4.3 million in the Budget to rolling out a new mental health program for small business owners, called NewAccess for Small Business.”

Ms Carnell’s final message to all small business owners on this day is, “You are not alone”.

“It’s vital to seek help if you need it. Our My Business Health web portal provides free practical resources to help with running your business and also links to leading mental health organisations such as Beyond Blue.”

Retail World magazine encourages all people to speak up and reach out. For more information on the workplace’s role with mental health, click here.

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