Saturday, March 15, 2025

Aussie shoppers believe Clinton will win the US election

A recent survey of over 6,500 Australians by Shopper Media Group revealed that two out of three respondents believed Hillary Clinton will win the US election.

This is despite 65 per cent of respondents believing she lied about her email usage on her personal computer during her tenure as United State Secretary of State.

Australia’s fastest growing, digital out-of-home media business, Shopper Media Group, has over 500 Smartlite digital advertising panels in over 200 shopping centres around Australia. It used its high-tech capabilities to ask Australian consumers what they think about the upcoming US election.

When consumers registered and accessed the free Smartlite WiFi within shopping centres they were offered the opportunity to answer a series of questions. Australians wanted a voice with 6,544 participating in the six-day trial, with the following top line results:

  • 68 per cent believe Hillary Clinton will win the US election.
  • 32 per cent believe Donald Trump will win the US election.
  • Victoria and Western Australia have the most confidence in a Clinton win at 71 per cent.
  • 65 per cent want Hillary Clinton to win the US election.
  • 35 per cent want Donald Trump to win the US election.
  • Western Australia leads the support for wanting Hillary Clinton to win at 76 per cent.
  • Queensland leads the support for wanting Donald Trump to win at 43 per cent.
  • 65 per cent believe Hillary Clinton lied about her emails on her personal computer being in compliance with Federal Laws and State Department regulations.

“The data captured via Smartlite panels is from a national audience,” Shopper Media Group CEO Ben Walker said.

“Combine that with a robust sample size of over 6,500 and with the questions having been asked within the past two days and results offer genuine insights into what Australians are thinking now about the US election and its candidates.”

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