Sunday, March 30, 2025

Sustainability drive is not just sweet talk

While there are waves of new product development being delivered by brands, there are also bold moves being made by confectionery companies in terms of promoting sustainability.

Nestlé Australia Convenience and Impulse Channel Manager Anna Matheson points to the benefits of the company’s packaging changes.

Nestlé’s Smarties brand is now using recyclable paper packaging for its confectionery products worldwide, she says.

“This represents a transition of 90% of the Smarties range, as 10% was previously already packed in recyclable paper packaging,” Ms Matheson says.

“Smarties is the first global confectionery brand to switch to recyclable paper packaging, removing approximately 250 million plastic packs sold globally every year. Smarties paper packaging will be available in Australia from April.”

Ruben Lezcano, Sales Manager at Cooks Confectionery, cites the recent changes the company has made to its products to keep up with social trends.

The Cooks team, he says, are focused on “portion control, clean label with natural-locally sourced ingredients where possible, while of course being conscious of our environmental footprint”.

Freddo hides again for frogs’ sake

For the second year in a row, Cadbury’s Freddo is giving up his place on the purple confectionery packaging to help raise awareness for Australian endangered frogs, which are at risk of disappearing forever.

The team at Taronga Zoo in Sydney has joined in and will be partnering alongside Zoos Victoria and Conservation Volunteers Australia to raise awareness and funds for endangered Australian frogs: the spotted tree frog and the northern corroboree frog.

“This is our opportunity to foster Australian’s passion for the environment and encourage families to continue caring for nature, so that these frogs can thrive for generations of adventurous explorers to come,” Cadbury Marketing Manager Katrina Watson says.

To learn what other sustainable practises are occurring in the confectionery world, read the full feature in the April issue of Retail World magazine.

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