Who else is guilty of loving a snack?
My Muscle Chef is helping consumers make more considered snacking choices with all three of its new Protein Bites.
The bites deliver more natural flavours that are developed with nutrition goals and dietary requirements in mind.
Each bite includes 7-8 grams of protein per serve and satisfies sweet cravings with gut friendly, vegan and gluten-free options.
Choc Caramel Fudge is a low carb, chewy caramel, chunk of fudge and is said to be a great source of essential prebiotics.
Banana Bread and Chunky Choc Popcorn are vegan friendly and gluten-free, filled with real banana chips and popcorn pieces for a true texture sensation.
Not only do My Muscle Chef provide protein-filled snacks, but recently they revealed their new flavours of ready-to-eat meals, which you can learn more about here.
The new meals are available to purchase online at mymusclechef.com and in selected retail stores.
Visit mymusclechef.com/stockists for more information on the Protein Bites, which RRP for $2.95.