Saturday, March 29, 2025

Woolworths supporting Aussie kids in need

Woolworths has launched the Small Change Appeal, supporting charities that provide vital services to Australian children in need.

For the next three weeks, customers shopping at their local Woolworths supermarket or Metro store can get involved by purchasing a $2 token or making a donation at the checkout.

“We’re incredibly proud to partner with Australian children’s charities and help support the vital services they provide to create positive change in local communities,” says Woolworths Supermarkets Director of Stores Jeanette Fenske.

“Some of these partnerships date back over 30 years, and in that time, we have seen incredible support from our customers. It’s a wonderful moment where we have seen the power of small change in creating a huge impact on local children and their families.

“Every year we also see our store teams go above and beyond during the Appeal, many of whom are parents, aunts, uncles or grandparents who care deeply about the young children these charities are working with. Whether it’s hosting team BBQs, baking sweet treats or volunteering their time, their generosity has driven even more support for each organisation.”

All of the funds donated during the Small Change Appeal between 18 September and 8 October will be given to:

  • Variety, the Children’s Charity (NSW, ACT, South Australia and the Northern Territory): Funds will help Variety bolster their grants programs for children who are living with a disability, chronic illness or financial hardship.
  • The Children’s Hospital Foundation (Queensland and northern NSW): Supporting patient experiences at Queensland Children’s Hospital, providing patients and families with access to impact services and programs.
  • Good Friday Appeal (Victoria): Donations will provide care and support to patients and their families at The Royal Children’s Hospital, including ongoing support for the Garden Therapy Program.
  • Telethon (Western Australia): Celebrating more than a decade of partnership, this year’s funds will support more equipment for children in hospital, critical services for children with disabilities and “life-changing” opportunities for disadvantaged children.
  • St Giles (Tasmania): Offering funds for equipment that will be used in early education and intervention activities to support local children.

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