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From business operations to what is bought in-store, retailers and their supply chains are feeling the pressure to
commit to sustainable practices more than ever before. How are you paving the way to a better future for your
business and the world?
By Nicholas Rider. health. Increased at-home consumption and meaningful action."
means household waste footprints are The Rainforest Alliance reveals that
n array of research suggests even more confronting as we wade 87 per cent of surveyed Australian
that Covid»19 has upped the through over-packaged online orders consumers expect companies to operate
ante when it comes to the and single-use products such as coffee responsibly to address social and
need for sustainability. cups and cutlery. The legacy of 2020 environmental issues. Interestingly, says
IRI, for instance, names ‘sustainability — is that doing the right thing has never the international non»prot'rt organisation,
a social change’ as one of five defining been more important, and sustainable 54 per cent of the respondents say
themes for growth in its 2021 retail and innovation will be at the forefront of they are now more conscious about
FMCG outlook. ‘Collaborating for growth FMCG in 2021.’ environmental and social sustainability
in a brave new world’. issues following the Covid»19 pandemic.
The data analytics and market research “III IIIIIICIK IIWIIIIMIII In addition,the Alliance says, 63 per
company had believed that 2020 was “II II‘ "III fl IIIII “II cent reveal that they look for product
shaping up as the ‘defining year’ in lIIlI_IIIl "INKS. ISIUI labels to ensure they're making buying
which retailers and suppliers would be IS I" lmllllv Cf IIHII—I IIIII decisions that are more socially and
held more ‘acutely accountable’ for IIIIIIIIIIIIQIII ‘I'll.’ environmentally sustainable.
their action, or inaction, in combating Rainforest Alliance Markets
climate change and other sustainable IRI urges brands, manufacturers and Transfomtation ManagerAustra|ia/
transformation initiatives. retailers to view sustainability as a ‘strategic New Zealand Melanie Mokken says the
‘Then Covid-I9 turned Australia's core pillar‘ underpinning ‘widespread organisation can see that Australian
attention away from sustainability, opportunities" to generate commercial consumers consider sustainability to be
especially in FMCG, as mitigating growth beyond market averages. the new baseline.
unparalleled supply chain disruption “To that end, stakeholders must ensure 'Theyre more infomted and responsible
and keeping stakeholders safe suddenly that pandemic-induced operational than ever before and are expecting more
underpinned what proved to be a challenges do not compromise from businesses,’ she said. “Given the
mostly inspiring story of solidarity and sustainability goals and outoomes," the current climate crisis, oonsumers want
responsiveness," IRI said in the report company said. ‘Actual market dynamim to be able to make a real difference
‘Brand purpose will be front and prove that sustainably marketed products for people and nature, and are driving
centre for consumers. The pandemic outperform conventional products. oompanies to make more ambitious
spotlighted the link between FMCG and Retailers and brands will be held to sustainability commitments.
the communities it serves, as well as the account and must adopt a multifaceted ‘Consumers are also savvy. They
fragility of personal and environmental approach to sustainability for relevant understand the unparalleled power of
v _ _ ‘ the collective and that together we can
create the positive change we all want
I‘ 0 .
fit“ ‘Covid-I9 disruptions to global supply
5 chains have focused the attention of
y w \ consumers and businesses on where
5' their products come from, and how
I / ‘ dependent we all are on what happens
' * ’- i in other parts of the world for the
99 \ EB“ products we use every day.”
K‘ s It Whether the ooncept of sustainability
C has been part of your operations for a
V . number of years or it's something that
@ Vt \ g , you’re slowly transitioning towards, the
‘ ' / ’ / pressure to be more environmentally
“ . oonscious isn’t expected to ease anytime
‘ soon, as this beoomes a necessity for
\‘. a business’s success and longevity.
.V V,’ Whateverthe case, it appears that no
. I ~ ‘ ' '- time is better than the presentifchanges
so-1"’ ' to yourfuture’s path are required.
In the following pages, Retail World
finds out how retailers, solution
“ . . providers, and brands are operating with
‘- sustainability and theirfutures in mind.
warm. won.)