Page 3 - RW-MAY-2021-TOB
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Woolworlhs working towards a - E‘? I
‘better tomorrow’ . 1 _ , _.. . '.— .',‘ §r'%i (
in November, woolwonhs Group I ‘,1 1;.
released lls 2o25 sustainability Plan, ‘ ‘ __'_ - I (L
charting its path over the lollowlng _ , r="§§§==E= IL,
nve years on a wlde range ot key ‘ =5? ’
sustainablllty lssues. _ ‘ _=§§§=_ " ,_r=‘555_=_ 'I _
General Manager of sustalnablllty Alex If _===- _==_ r.‘=‘==_ 1-,; ‘r t,
Holt says the buslrless IS workrng towards - -I _:::- _======_ -:=_-__ l'E- .
a“better tomorrow" for lts people, planet - 5555 5555'-;55=e \==_== g
and the communltles it serves. (‘II . ~ EEEE E52; "3"-“‘ I-.-
“We know it's notjust enough to ' :==:: ':.‘::*:=::‘ l:::'::. 5,?
make changes today, but to set clear 3:-===«_._=;,=._.=_r====== ($-
ambitious targets for the future to gggg =EEE§EE.=.E'EEEEEEEE= $
ensure we're on the rlght path to make a ; 1"‘-" "":5'—"'"'“ ::::" -B.
meartlngful difference," he said. ‘
“A growing numberot our customers ; ‘ __
expect us to lead on sustalnability and, as ..__._. ... ._ 2.. . , 2, . _ .. . ' " “ ‘\
Australia's largest retailer. we're lI1 a unique - I V
positlon to make a real lmpacl at scale. — ' A~ — \
“We have a range ot rnitratrves to
make our products, packaging, stores Sustainability target for whole of ALDI
and supply chaln more sustainable, and ‘Wu Ilafl 1! mm M illilialills III An ALDI Australia spokesperson
we've already seen our greenhouse lnalo illll IIIIIIIHS. IIGIIIIIIII. tells Retail world that the retarler ls
emissions fall by almost a quarter tn the sums IIII SIIIIIIIV ellain morn commltted to doing the right thlng
last flve years." slistainallu“ ln every aspect of lls operatlons and
Key points worth noting from the understands its responsrbility to the
sustainabrlrty plan, according to the need it most through food relref commlmlty and the planet.
retarler, rnclude: partrlershlps wlth orgamsations Last year, the retailer announced its
. Renewable energy. woolworths will such as ozHarvest. Foodbank and commltmerlt to lo0 per cent renewable
transrtion to loo per cent renewable Fareshare, and relatronshrps with local electncrty to power lts operations by the
electricity from wlrtd and solar by commumty groups. end ot 2021.
2o25. The business says it has already To date, according to woolworths, its ‘The commitment to renewable
reduced its carbon emlsslorts by 24 ongolrtg etforts to reduce ‘unnecessary electncrty has driven ALDI‘: lrtvestmertt
per cent trom 2ol5 levels through plastrc" in lts packagrng has resulted tn more etticrent systems to reduce both
lnltiatives to improve energy efnciency. in thousands ot tonnes of plastic energy usage and carbon emlsslorts,"
. Carbon positive. woolworths has belrtg removed to date. Thls has been ALDI Australra sald. ‘This includes
commrtted to become net carbon achieved tn a number ot ways, includlng: reducmg energy consumption by LED
posltlve by at least 2o5o, meaning that - Removlng 590 tonnes ot plastic lrghting and energy emcrent chrllers,
the company will take more carbon out packagrng trom bakery products over upgradlrtg to natural reirlgerarlls, and
ot the atmosphere than it produces, to two years. rnstallrng solar power systems.
deliver an overall environmental benerrt. . Removlng 730 tonnes ot plastic trom ‘Last year we also procured two 10—
. Plastic reduc1ion.woolworths wlll produce over two years. year power purchasmg agreements
halve its use oivirglrt plastrc packaging . Launching recyclable paper meat wlth large scale wind larms. The wind
by weight agalrtst lts 2018 baseline trays, whlch are clarmed to use 75 per tarms wlH provlde renewable energy to
by 2024. cent less plastic across the retarler's all ofALD|'s NSW and victorran stores
. Packaging. woolworths lntends to specially selected and Grass Fed and generate over 180,000 Mwh ot
make loo per cent ot its own brand ranges, achlevirtg a savlrtg of 114 electncrty resulting in over l6o,000t
packagrng wldely recyclable, reusable tonnes of plastlc yearly. Thls was the carbon emlsslorts avoided each year.
or compostable by 2o23. flrst step tn a transrtron to make all ‘The commitment ls an extension of
. Recycling. woolworths has set out own brand red meat trays recyclable. our focus on reducmg emissions, after
to achleve an average ot so per cent . Reducing the weight ot own brand 2lt successtully reducing overall operational
recycled content across its own brand and sit mllk bottles to use less plastic. emissions intensrty by 4o per cent from
packagrng bythe end ot 2025. . Redeslgnlrlg its 600ml spnng water a 2012 baselme."
. Food waste. By 2025, zero tood waste bottles to use 100 per cent recycled ALDI Australia also says lt has
wlH go to landfill lrorn Woo|worths' plastrc and reducmg the overall plastic always recognised the lmporlartce
operations as the business aims content, resulting ln 1200 tonnes less ot preventing single—use plastrc from
to redlstrlbute100 per cent of plastrc ln circulation each year. entenng the envlronmerlt, havlrtg never
edible unsold tood to those who TO PAGE 4