Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Robotics giant KUKA joins Open IIoT

With the tagline ‘Industrial intelligence 4.0 beyond automation,’ KUKA is a natural fit to join the prestigious Open IIoT cohort.

Since its founding over a century ago, the company has stood for ideas and innovations, bringing their industrial robotics solutions to over 40 countries. In addition to being the world’s leading supplier of production systems in the automotive industry, KUKA has established itself as a trailblazer in e-commerce, electronics, energy, consumer goods, metal, plastics and even the entertainment and health care industries.

In joining Open IIoT, KUKA joins a panel of some of Australia’s most prominent automation brands, including SMC Corporation, Beckhoff Automation, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS, Balluff and ZI-Argus, and brings a wealth of industrial robotics expertise to the fold.

KUKA Robotics Australia General Manager Cameron Fisher believes that the company’s vision aligns closely to that of the Open IIoT group.

“For over 120 years, KUKA has stood for ideas and innovation. Joining IIoT gives us the opportunity to join fellow prominent brands in promoting the latest technical advances in smart automation.”

“By joining Open IIoT, we hope be part of the movement to ramp up Industry 4.0 capabilities and acceptance in Australia. There is a definite sense of urgency in this mission, as our country is more in need of automated solutions than ever before,” he adds.

Industrial robotics in demand

The latest Economist and WSJ statistics regarding growth dynamics in industrial robotics reflect the sense of urgency that Mr Fisher raises. WSJ estimates that 373,000 industrial robots were put to use in 2019, in addition to 173,000 “professional service” robots, equipped with advanced software, sensors, and Wi-Fi.

By the end of 2021, it is estimated that the installed base of factory robots worldwide will exceed 3.2 million robots, and the current global market for industrial robotics is currently valued at $45 billion dollars.

“We believe Covid-19 has changed the way people work and as a result, smart automation is a key to making this efficient. From real time monitoring of factory floors to an increase in social distancing in the workplace, robotics automation can solve many of the issue, companies are facing in the new world,” Mr Fisher said.

Robotics and IIoT

For those looking to advance their IIoT journey through robotics, Mr Fisher suggests the following guidelines: “We strongly recommend that customers deal only with experts in the field and ensure that integration between suppliers for the best possible results.”

Mr Fisher and the KUKA team have found a panel of similarly qualified Industry 4.0 experts in the Open IIoT panel, and he looks forward to what 2021 has in store.

“The calibre of the members of Open IIoT have definitely helped to cement its footprint as the IIoT group of choice in Australia, and we look forward to incorporating more robotics into the group’s agenda,” he concludes.

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