Page 10 - RW-MAY-2021-TOB
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its ‘2o20—2040 sustainability Ambitions‘,
. i‘ designed to make a “distinct and
‘ ‘ positive" contribution in this period
I ' g to the communities and markets in
E T ' ' ' which it operates.
M v fi Building on the achievements olthese
goals, Amatil says it will focus its action
‘ ~ , t __ over the next 20 years on four priority
_ if areas — water, consumer wellbeing.
t . ' '_ -f_ packaging, and carbon reduction
-7'4" .~.3‘_ — to help deliver on its |ong—term
_ _ ' _. «f I’ value proposition centred around its
-"-t" ' _‘_' f‘ I‘ ‘‘ Ii customers, people, partners, consumers
' . ‘£1 " ‘-‘ I and the environment.
. > r ?> ,j“&«7_“v_‘ Group Managing Director Alison
‘ A . . I if f ; ! watkins says Amatil is committed
», \ . ‘ to maintaining a leadership role in
<‘ ~ i sustainability and it nrmly believes
that creating value for society is
wherever it can throughout the with Australian manufacturing and consistent with the delivery of value
manufacturing process. more than 70 per cent Australian to shareholders.
considering a sustainable future, Ms ingredients — with the aim to raise this ‘We're proud of Amatil's sustainability
synnott says recycling is an important to 100 per cent as the local industry achievements to date, and this bold
step, but with only nine per cent of matures — MEET claims a small new set of sustainability ambitions will
recycled plastic being recycled, the carbon footprint. challenge us even further to deliver
move to a circular economy is the “next “Our Mt Kuring—Gai facility [in sydney's more positive outcomes over the
evolution" for a sustainable future. far north] also has a 100kw solar next critically important twenty years,"
‘A circular economy is the idea of power system that contributes to our she said.
reusing, rather than recycling," she said. sustainability credentials," Mr Dunn said. According to Ms watkins, after
‘We see the demand for refillable in terms of packaging, Mr Dunn releasing a set ofsustainability
packaging solutions being the next says Proform Foods chooses the strategies and public goals in 2018 to
sustainability driver in grocery." best options it can and continually be achieved by the end of 2020, it was
reviews for improvement. in addition, vital that Amatil focus the next phase of
championing plant-based meat the company has partnered with the its Sustalnabllllylourriey on where it can
[or all REDcycle program to encourage make the biggest impact.
Proform Foods‘ focus, according to posl—corisumer recycling. ‘We've made solid progress against
CEO Matthew Dunn, is to make great— “We've also made our product more our 2020 sustainability goals, and
tasting, healthy products available compact, by 21 per cent, to reduce through this process and extensive
to all and make it easy for everyone our footprint across the full supply engagement with our many stakeholders
to eat more plant—based, riollust the chain, and will continually review we've developed a set of ambitions
committed vegans. improvements," he said. that have been prioritised based
He also adds that “p|artl—based food while a sustainable diet is in many on stakeholder expectations and
is essentially the easiest way to live a ways a “rational endeavour", says Mr where Amatil can make the greatest
more sustainable life", with research Dunn, providing inspiration is just as difference," she said.
from the UK‘: oxford University finding important to encourage consumers to ccA"s ‘Ambitions’ will be underpinned
that a vegan diet is the single best way try it. by a series of roadmaps and
to reduce the carbon footprint — by “We knowthat consumer expectations performance indicators to provide
73 per cent". shift whenever they try our products, a pathway to delivery and ensure
Proform Foods‘ ‘advanced technology" often resetting previous experiences the target are embedded across the
is said to create a more realistic ‘meal of the category," he said. “We're business. The ambitions are also aligned
experience", which Mr Dunn believes therefore looking to partner with with the Coca—Cola Company's ITCCC)
means its MEET product has a wider inlluencers, as well as working sustainability priorities and strategies,
appeal than many other meat—free with trusted media partners, to including TCCC's sciertce—based target
products on the market. showcase our riext—generallon style of of 25 per cent carbon reduction by
"with more consumers making plant—based products. 2030 [compared with 2015) and its 2030
sustainable choices, we're contributing “We're also working closely with retail ‘world withoutwaste' program.
to a long—lerm shift towards more partners to showcase how easy it is to Priority ambitions:
sustainable diets," Mr Dunn said. choose plant—based over meat." 1. Net zero water stress by 2020.
“Proform is committed to championing 2. consumer wellbeing by 2025.
the sustainable development of plant— Sustainability goes better with Coke 3. Closing the loop on packaging
based meats in Australia, with a view to in late February, Coca—Co|a Amatil ICCA) by 2030.
drive exports globally." announced a range of10 objectives in 4. Net zero carbon emissions by 2040.