Page 11 - RW-MAY-2021-TOB
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Further ambitions: "I llocalln on. Illlfiulllflv IIIIIIIIIS the sustainability conversation top of mind

5. Deliver positive impacts for lllalilll Sllslailalllfl Iillilll and make real change as a collective.

our communities. oulnmolulacu III! III! Infill‘: ‘Innovation and ongoing creativity

6. Achieve a zero—harm workplace. Billll Iilliul IBIIIIIU confines lrom our R&D teams will continue to be

7. Achieve diversity in our people that il Illa mm an (ill! Iii, IIIIN critical in this space as we push science

reflecls TCCC's communities. illflllatlll mruomo Sllalflllv. Illa even further to explore and deliver more

8. Build stronger brand partnerships Ilnilnllnr I:om|ass.“ sustainable options lor our consumers."

with aligned sustainability ambltiorls
and strategies. . Spending €2 billion annually with PepsiCo’s sustainable food
9. Embed our responsible sourcing suppliers owned and managed by system aim
commitment in TCCC's supplier people from under—represented Pepsico has five key locus areas where
partnerships. groups, by 2025. it believes it can have the most impact
10.Pal1ner with TCCC's customers on . Helping five million small and medium— in helping to build a sustainable food
shared sustainability vision sized businesses growthrough access system. These are agriculture, water,
to skills, finance, and technology, packaging, climate, products, and people.

Making sustainable |’wing by 2025. According to a spokesperson, Pepslco

commonplace “The problems our society faces, believes there is an oppommlty to

At unilever, says Head ol sustainable such as climate change, inequality, change how the world produces,

Business Alex McDonald, it is believed plastic pollution and lack ofsarlltatlon, distributes, consumes and disposes of

that business growth should not be at are urgent, large and complex," Ms lood and beverages in order to tackle

the expense ol people and the planet. McDonald said. the shared challenges faced.

“Ten years ago, our ‘Unilever considering the luture, she says ‘We aim to use our scale, reach
sustainable living plan’ set the unilever “change in our own business is and expertise to help build a more
roadmap to help more people worldwide not enough". sustainable lood system: one that
improve their health and wellbeing, “we need translormational change to can meet human needs for nutrition
halve our environmental lootprint, and whole systems ll we're to make a genuine and enioyment, and continue to drive
enhance the livelihoods of millions ditlerence on the issues that matter. economic and social development,

ol people as we grow our business," At a corporate level, we'll continue our without exceeding the natural

she said. advocacy work with our retail partners, boundaries of the planet," the
“We've made signlllcant progress and government, NGOs and industry to keep TO PAGE 12

we're proud to have been recognised _

in 2019 as sector leader in the Dow _ ' ~ ‘ \/ ‘ 5 __

Jones sustainability index and in 2020, ?- , . I -— -

lor the 10th—consecutive year, as the —..’  5’ “ ‘- ‘. 1 -*1

top ranked company in the Globescan/ '« ' . I § “ v ‘ ..

sustainAbility Leaders survey. i 9’ * '1 I -— ~—-

“A decade on, ourjourney towards . , .. . _. ._ .
making sustainableliving commonplace . ‘ .. - '  .
lor the world's eight billion people . -
continues in the lorm of our new, fully Recycle VOUI’ 5°“ Plnstfif ‘'1’
integrated corporate strategy, the 5°"V“'“"" “‘''"'““”°'‘’‘"””“‘‘::_'”_‘D , 
Unilever Compass."  "“"", « - ~,«:-" ..,.’ -2" ‘ ”/ ‘ .

over the course olthe last 18 months, ‘  E! ' g'mm$ 0
Unilever says it has been gradually , ,_ , ,..n
sharing with its stakeholders the ‘\ E D E r-;, 
‘depth and breadth" of its commitment - __ V ‘ 3
to sustainable business, with major _-  lg» ‘ \
announcements around the company's r. “—— , ~'
commitment to tackling the two “most \‘ gA.—- ‘ 
presslng" issues the world faces today, \ ‘J. h m,.""‘
climate change and social inequality. \‘ 3 l V   -"
Some of these commitments include: vi ‘*«_ 

. Achieving net zero emissions lrom all i, F ‘‘—._i-"
products by 2039, from the sourcing of ” ' 7‘-’
all rawmaterials rightupto the point ol ‘ '—' ‘* ’ ‘
sale ol in store. ‘V-‘V - ' —

. investing €1 billion in a new dedicated _g ; L , 4 
climate and Nature Fund. ‘ V V! I _" '

. Ensuring that everyone who directly £ . l ‘l
provides goods and services to the . “ V I, 
company earns at least a living wage  -O” ‘
or income, by 2030. ~» ‘ " 


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