Page 8 - RW-MAY-2021-TOB
P. 8

‘Spearheading' a global movement expects to see many more businesses ‘Our way of doing things inciudes our
Nick l-lazell, the iounder and CEO of integrating sustainability into their day— dedication to protect the environment,
piant—based meat start—up v2food, today operations. the sustainable sourcing oi nign—

tells Retail worldthat the company's “From sustainable sourcing to quaiity raw materials, the promotion
vision has always been to “spearhead” oiisetting transport emissions, eco— oi responsible consumption and the

a global movement towards a conscious packaging to strategic empowerment oi people. Ferrero's
more sustainable system of food partnerships, traditional FMCG thinking annual ‘Sustainability Report’ brings
consumption and production. is being challenged and reiramed as together our challenges, our actions

‘Consuming animal meat at current the need to intervene in the current and our vision ior the future in a way

rates, we'd need two pianets' worth oi climate crisis becomes undeniable," that openly showcases a company that
resources to feed a projected global Mr Hazeii said. always strives to be a positive force
population oit0 billion people by the “In 2021, we're excited to be part oithe for good."

year 2050 [Eat—Lancet Commission]," ever growing contingent of businesses in terms oi climate commitments.

he said. doing our bit to tackle this compiex Ferrero says it has measured its total

‘Facing a looming global deficit of global challenge." carbon iootprint to identiiy the impacts

duality dietary protein and catastrophic oi activities, from raw materials to the
climate change, our vision is to ‘A positive force for good‘ use of its products, since 2009.
transform the way the world produces Ferrero's new purpose, ‘We care for the with the climate emergency

and consumes meat, so that we can better", is expected to inspire and steer requiring businesses to step up their
sustainably feed our population into the company's sustainability strategy commitments, the company adds, it set
the future." and agenda. itselitwo new targets in 2020 to reduce

Ratherthan competing with livestock “It drives us to raise our ambitions its carbon iootprint over 10 years.

iarmers, v2iood believes this vision can and deliver our promises to impact Ferrerds targets ior 2030 are:

and should be a collaboration between people and the planet iorthe better," a . Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2
animai— and piant—based protein spokesperson iorthe coniectioner told emissions by 50 per cent from a 2018
producers, ultimately iorging a new Retail world. base year, which is consistent with the
market that could add $6 billion to the

economy by 2030 [CSIRO].

Addressing its vision, says Mr Hazell.

v2iood is working atthe “intersection” '

oithe latest scientific, technological

and industry breakthroughs to create

“deiicious" and sustainable plant— ‘ ' '
based meat alternatives for everyday I

meat consumers. \ / 

‘At v2iood," he said, ‘we're scaling up _ . . ‘

our Australian supply chain and local .4 

manufacturing capacities, enabling us to _ ‘ '

continue increasing our production ofv2 ‘ 1-

right here in Australia.  :_ '

‘With iarmers and industry partners, k  ’ ,‘*_,-.._i

we're working towards becoming a . I _ ‘ «V , A .‘ _ ‘

carbon positive company, reducing V u .

our environmental iootprint through . ’\> g _ ,, g ‘ , , r ' >_
sustainable farming practices combined I . ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘' -

with a suite oi additional carbon offsetting - ‘:_".-1. ' A -.\ g
and environmental pannerships. : " ", v " \ “ gf’ .

‘We're currently undenaking a ‘iife _ _  ,_r 

cycle assessment" to understand the ;' ’ M . .. .
environmental impact oi our production _ ‘ ' 0‘-'
practices and are constantly working I‘ e __

to improve these in line with our __ _ __'_ i  , ‘ ‘ “7“‘"
Svslainabiiityuoais." ‘egg

According to Mr Hazell, Covid—19

lockdowns have provided businesses , V, .

and governments the impetus to - 
revaluate the way we live and the impact

we have on the people and environment 
around us. with this in mind, v2iood ‘ \


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