Page 6 - RW-MAY-2021-TOB
P. 6

The green seal of approval claimed to be “raising the bar" oi helping consumers to make better

The Rainforest AHlance's seal, the sustainability certification, moving choices and be part ol the solution."
green frog, is said to help Australian lrom a pass—fali approach to focus on

consumers make choices that are better continuous improvements to address Down with energy consumption,
for them, (or people and for nature. changing sustainability risks, and up with performance and

‘When you see our little frog seal leveraging newtechnologies to better optimising costs

on a product it means that larmers monitor risks and performance. The new sustainability has been a “top priority"
have been provided with the tools, program will replace existing Rainlorest for Arneg lor “a very long time", says the
skills and knowledge needed to Alliance and UTZ certification programs company's oceania Generai Manager
drive more sustainable and prontable lrom mld—2021. Laura Garbo.

farming," Ms Mokken said. “it also ‘The gradual process ol lundamentally
shows that companies reward more "WIIIII VIII SB! llll Iilllfl Illll shifting the entire business model
sustainable practices that help protect soal una lllllllllfl il lllnallslllal driving our organisation achieved its
forests, improve farmer livelihoods, lannur: Ilflfl Iflflll lllllllillflll Iilll first milestone back in 2007, with the
promote human rights and support Illa mills, skills and llllfllflllfln environmental system certincation
climate adaptation. IIMIIBII to Illiln llllllfl Slaillalllfl lso 14001, lollowed by the energy

‘Frogs are what scientists call and Illlfilallln tanning.“ management certilication lso 50001,"

bioindicators, meaning that a healthy she said.

population of lrogs indicates a healthy “The new cenification program Moving from a traditional linear “take—
ecosystem, and vice versa. They can incorporates new tools to support make—waste" approach, Ms Garbo says
be found on every continent except larmers and companies to set clear Arneg has introduced crucial circular
Antarctica. It's for this very reason that sustainability targets and locus economy principles into its strategies to
the Rainforest Alliance chose the tree investments to improve positive impacts support sustainable growth, achieving
frog as its mascot." lor people and nature," Ms Mokken remarkable results, as visible in its

A study conducted in 2019 by the said. ‘These tools and innovations will ability to:

Rainforest Alliance on the organisation's suppon more resilient agriculture and . Reduce -59 per cent of CO2 emissions
seals awareness lound thatthe seal help make responsible business the new associated to the manulacturing

has 40 per cent consumer awareness normai. This is increasingly urgent in our process ol a relrigerated cabinet.
among surveyed consumers in age ol climate change, biodiversity loss, . utilise 96 per cent recyclable
Austraiia. This is the third highest ol and global inequality. materials in the manulacturing ol

all 11 markets studied (alter the UK “As businesses look to reinvigorate relrigerated cabinets.

and Sweden) and above the us, the their operations during and after the ‘In a typical retail situation, 95 per
Netherlands and Germany. Covid—19 crisis, current innovations cent of the environmental impact ol

Foiiowing the merger between UTZ in sustainability certiiication can help refrigeration is due to its electrical
and the Rainlorest Alliance in 2018, build more resilient supply chains energy consumption throughout the
the organisation recently enhanced through a stronger locus on continuous years a unit is in use," Ms Garbo said.
its certilication program and standard, improvement, transparency and “Reducing energy consumption while
based on public consultations, with shared responsibility. increasing performance and optimising
inputfrom more than 1000 people in ‘More companies recognise that costs is the area where Arneg has
nearly 50 countries, representing more economic viability cannot exist without seen the most significant progress and
than 200 organisations Ilrom farmers to social and environmental sustainability. recognises even lurther luture potential.
board room representatives). “By demonstrating that they're ‘Solutions like Arneg Air system are
The new Rainlorest Alliance 2020 contributing to a healthier and more delivering energy emciencies up to 37
sustainable agriculture standard is sustainable world, companies are per cent compared with traditional giass—
_ V door cabinets, maintaining a constant
} " I wr ,~  l‘!‘;_ I ——‘—— 6 product temperature within a range
or‘ . w " ' - ol 2“C, without an fluctuations, which
_‘ .=’ 3:353 " I E *7’ ‘ ' ‘Ii _ X“ “A, also significantly irynproves product
, -" ' i " i  . ‘ W W _ I :1 V ; ;.- ‘ V preservation quality and shell lile."

W‘ H 1“,  "K ' ‘ i I“ V) N‘-, ‘ - ‘  i‘  Arneghasalsobeenworkingfor

‘i ; _ H ~  ~ J, . I ‘ A pf E r \ many years with retailers towards the

‘" _ ii 4, 9 "-1 ~. "’ 1_ “ ‘.-’ —~: transition to new relrigerants with a

Z i L i i. ~; ‘    =  3 lowerglobalwarming potential.

l i» "Y ;‘:, "", _ " ‘ % I " _“ " ,  y  ~—~ ‘We're glad to see a progressive shift
\ .;—  ‘ “ t,  . " :Li_, J‘ ‘  ‘ ii i‘ 2 ‘ towards natural relrigerant systems,
‘i ,;;Kt “ " . iv _‘ L‘, L .' 1 ‘ ‘ both in the supermarket transcritical
i ’ '1: i -‘ V ii , ~' . 3 ,- ' 3 i ' C02 and hydrocarbon applications on
1‘ “Q ~ . I i . ‘ , $ 0 »—~ ‘ i, , ‘ piug—ins and seml'—p|ug—in Cabinets,"
1 " '5‘ -«. "- “ ‘iii * J . " Msearbosaid.

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