Page 7 - RW-MAY-2021-TOB
P. 7
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“Transcritical CO2 relrigeration " " . 1‘ ‘r_.~_ _ _ , 7 ,_ ,__.a.4:;~:,r-~ 1 i‘ is
systems in Australia are growing We ““"-- 3- ‘ r ‘» ’ ‘ ’ V” 5 v“‘;~‘i'. _ ,
. t,,,,_ F .“ H - f1._ i. . ../L - -
steadily and have been championed 7 - _ V “W
by independent retailers such as ; '1’ mm, [NM “,‘,".,"‘”" . iimismzs
Drakes supermarkets, Romeo's Retail , V iv” "-"" “ “” ‘
Group and Rltchies supermarkets for [ ~ 3 — _ ‘ .. V $1 ‘
several years." ifl ’ ’ ‘ l " l
in lurther efforts, Arneg is working ‘i -‘ —E I ‘
with retailers by combining emission :35 =5; l ;: ,:m:: ___M_ , ‘
reductions and energy savings with M %-\ 3; Sb 1% i A l . m-gm K
costs benefits. ::g at _. _‘,_._.__u ‘,‘.‘l“ -E" E09 ‘W ‘
__ m . All ._ i...........
“This IS largely afforded by the ~— . 1, y :5: R uu-v
synergies obtainable in—store between _ :— ‘, . . 1 ‘ f-_‘_§_: l “
relrigeration and heating systems, by ,~ —~, in E‘! ":2. ~’——i -32.2.“ 3
optimising l"ieat—reclaim technologies
and the production of hot and cold The company's range of Australian Towards climate control solutions
water, as widely embraced in Europe," made cleaning products are available in Hussmann, according to the company's
Ms Garbo said. a reusable glass bottle, which can then oceania commercial Director Greg
“Being pan of a global organisation be refilled lrl—store lor what is claimed to Malcolm, is committed to energy and
also allows Arneg to take lull advantage be a fraction of the price. sustainability goals in the production
ol worldwide experience and “By becoming an unpackaged retail ol its display merchandisers and
initiatives, such as the [EU's] Ecodesign partner, [retailers] are taking a big step relrigeration systems, their installation
requirements [that were implemented] towards achieving their sustainability and associated services.
lrom 1 March 2021, and translerred goals while displaying a clear point ol ‘Our vision is to provide climate control
into the Australian GEMS [Greenhouse diflerence for their customers," Ms chen solutions lor a better luture," he said.
and Energy Minimum standards] said. “our refill stations stand out in— ‘As a Panasonic company, we're
2020 determination. store lrom regular packaged products, very locused on providing energy
“Based on principles ofdata are easy to set up and provide a great emcient and sustainability solutions
transparency and circular economy, reason lor customers to return." we actively promote energy efficient
the regulation introduces the “energy Ms chen expects to see a lot ol value—add features such as doors, door
efliciency index". This will eflectively innovation and growth in sustainability retrofits, LED lighting, night blinds and
improve energy efliciency and reduction over the next five years as consumers lower defrost cycle."
ol other environmental impacts ol demand more environmentally Hussmann is now also looking at
commercial refrigeration through friendly solutions. introducing digital solutions including
better design. “specifically, I predict mass the smart technology known as
“Arneg has been actively involved in commercialisation of fully biodegradable Hussmart.
the interpretation and correct application packaging alternatives, big growth in ‘Hussman will provide a range oi
oi the new measures through its active alternative wastemanagement reuse/ sensors to enable lower operating costs
role within the RDCS [refrigerated refill systems and technology driven and more intuitive ways for store owners
display cabinets) group of the [EU's] solutions to significantly reduce and to save money," Mr Malcolm said.
Eurovent industry association. eliminate waste," she said. with rising energy costs, Hussmann
“Every Arneg unit with its specific unpackaged Eco, she adds, is believes it will “most likely" see more
and bespoke fittings will therelore developing some “exciting" technology locus on energy saving solutions such
soon be traceable through the EPREL driven solutions to help track and as air guides and door retrofit solutions
[European product database for energy improve the zero—waste experience. being trailed by its customers.
labelling] via an individual QR code “We're also looking to innovate and Mr Malcolm added: ‘Hussmann is
and in line with the most stringent expand our offering across to other in the process of setting corporate
European requirements, in terms ol product categories, to make package— sustainability responsibility goals which
efliciency levels." free a truly exciting alternative lor align with our Panasonic corporate goals
customers," Ms Chen said. and initiatives."
Refill, not landfill A
The vision of Melbourne based reusable , n "E{pap:a_| ‘
packaging organisation unpackaged .;" ‘ //2 lip iii"; ‘ .V_> ..
Eco is lor a world without waste. _. _,-—-,7’ ,....... u ___r ,. - ‘ I '_, , _;.,
specifically, the zero—waste slarbup I‘-l "'7 ‘ _‘ -__ « 1:,-_-_ _ 1‘, L,‘-EIE ’ V‘ Mf"
wants to eliminate single—use plastic ; tr, ,_—__;_"4;,’- ~“ ,,','C‘ '» I §__,;, ,
waste, which itblames lorone of ‘ 4.; V.’ d‘‘‘‘'‘‘"‘ 2-‘ : ““- V I _ ' ' "
the largest environmental problems ’ ," 0"‘ - x.‘ ! 91”.‘ if ,£]g«_.
"crippling" the planet today. ‘ ’= =- l #5 Ir‘-»-»
“our simple solution is to refill, not "‘ “ 7; __, i
landfill," unpackaged Eco lounder and ' ’ ' ', ,
CEO lrene chen said.