Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Insights into current shopping trends

Local shopping centres saw a fluctuation of consumers throughout March and April, according to the Consumer Sentiment Study, undertook by Shopper Media.

Head of Marketing at Shopper Media, Karissa Fletcher says, “Footfall figures surpassed Christmas crowds in early March but began to soften, and in recent weeks have steadied, now showing signs of growth as restrictions begin to lift.”

“Our centres have also seen the average dwell time increase by 25% in over 30% of our network of shopping centres nationally*, so we wanted to get an accurate understanding of shoppers’ attitudes as restrictions lift.”

The Consumer Sentiment Study was an online survey of 11,390 Australian consumers nationally, with field work conducted in three parts across 24-27 April.

Insights that the study uncovered:

  • 60% of Australians have purchased more supermarket home brands in place of their traditional brand choices.
  • 45% of Australian shoppers are showing they are more financially savvy with increased visitation to an Aldi supermarket during the pandemic, in search of cheaper brands.
  • There is still a high level of devotees, with 64% of shoppers admitting to regularly visiting at least two supermarkets to purchase the branded products that they would normally buy.
  • Price remains the most important consideration factor when purchasing FMCG goods, followed by the ‘brands they trust/well-known brands’.
  • Some categories are more susceptible to switching brands when favourite or popular brands are out of stock, such as soft drinks and water, fruit and vegetables (e.g. tinned or packaged) and bread and cereals.

Ms Fletcher says, “Local, homemade and sustainably sourced items that are discounted or moderately priced will be most desirable, and it’s not a time for brands to be complacent with shoppers seeking price comparisons. It’s a time to remind shoppers of the benefits and emotional connection they have with the brand as they review and juggle the changes to personal and household income.”

For a copy of the full report, contact Shopper Media representative, or email marketingandinsights@shoppermedia.com.au

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